Thursday 29 August 2013

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Correct way to breathe

 Breathing properly stops the build up of lactic acid.. reduces fatigue in muscles and gives you more energy when running as the oxygen is pumped to your cells in larger amounts. But how to breather properly?
Breathing correctly is what singers try to practice all the time as they know how breathing can make them singer better, louder and for longer.. the same can also be said about runners however runners do have a attitude to just run and not do any breathing exercises to help with their breathing like singers do! Singers will constantly do yoga and Pilates stretched to stretch and strengthen their diaphragm from which they breath to better fill their lungs with air quicker and more efficiently than breathing from the chest. Breathing is really important if you are a runner but is often neglected even by the pros. It can be hard to always be aware of how you are breathing when you are running but stretches designed to open up your lungs and diaphragm will help your breathing become deeper and from the diaphragm more natural and free helping you as you run.

Make sure that you inhale and exhale from your mouth and nose.. deeply and using your diaphragm.. fill not just your lungs but all of your body with air< sounds odd but this will help you breathe more deeply. Long deep breathes are the most effective and use up less energy when you breathe too!

I couldn't find any decent articles when searching on google on breathing... GO FIGURE!


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